Miner Alumni Association Scholarships
James E. Bertelsmeyer Scholarship
Due to the continued support from one of our many notable alumni brothers, two $10,000 scholarships are awarded to two newly initiated brothers of Lambda Chi. Jim has had an incredible influence not only on the chapter but on the Missouri S&T campus as he made the naming gift for Bertelsmeyer Hall, the Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Building in 2014. To see Jim’s alumni spotlight, click HERE.
Requirements & info:
Two recipients chosen by application from newly initiated members
Must maintain a 2.75 GPA
$10,000 award amount
Renewable for 8 semesters
Each awardee volunteers 2 hours at the Hasselman Alumni House each week
Applications are Available through ScholarshipUniverse. Be sure to login with you S&T email to be able to apply HERE
Howard Stine Jr. Endowed Scholarship
Requirements & info:
One recipient annually to Lambda Chi Alpha member
Upwards of $1000 awarded
Engineering Management major
Applications are Available through ScholarshipUniverse. Be sure to login with you S&T email to be able to apply HERE
Colonel E. A. & Marge Owsley Scholarship
A name anyone in the immediate Rolla area would know: Col. Ed Owsley. He served in our Nation’s military during WWII’s far east campaign and later retired from Fort Leonard Wood as Chief of Staff. Ed served as Lambda Chi Alpha’s alumni advisor for over three decades starting in the early 70’s. He was not only a recognizable face around campus and to over three decades of brothers that came through Rolla, but had his hand in multiple organizations and events around Rolla. Serving 20 years as the Executive Vice-President of Rolla’s Chamber of Commerce, and then holding positions on the Rolla City Council and as mayor pro tem and state president of AUSA. He was also on the board of MRPC, and secretary/treasurer of RCDC.
As a selfless steward to our brothers and their community, Col. Owsley demonstrated everyday what it meant to live by our core values.
Requirements & info:
One recipient from Lambda Chi Alpha
Upwards of $1375 awarded
Applications are Available through ScholarshipUniverse. Be sure to login with you S&T email to be able to apply HERE
Professor Adolph Legsdin Scholarship
The Professor Adolph Legsdin and the Pete Legsdin Scholarship Endowments were created to reward initiated members of Alpha-Delta Zeta. My father, Adolph Legsdin, taught metallurgical engineering at Missouri S&T for thirty years. Both endowments may be awarded to any initiated brother. However, the Adolph Legsdin Endowment does allow a preference to a brother majoring in metallurgy, mining, geology or other similar curriculum.
Requirements & info:
One recipient between Kappa Delta and Lambda Chi Alpha annually
Upwards of $1000 awarded
Must maintain a 2.4 GPA
Must be a full-time student
Emphasis given to majors in Metallurgical Engineering, Ceramic Engineering, Mining Engineering, Geological Engineering, Geology and Geophysics
Applications are Available through Scholarship Universe. Be sure to login with you S&T email to be able to apply HERE